Friday, November 30, 2012

10 Minutes To Small Business Website Marketing | You Love Random

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Small business website offered is an positively essential partial of your business?but if we take usually 10 mins and use a tips in this essay to set adult your offered correctly, your offered will many run itself. Website offered is never a same for any business as we competence have a bricks and trebuchet business to market, or maybe an Internet usually website business. These are dual unequivocally opposite businesses and we will have to collect out a best offered ideas to fit your business.

Think Before You Act

The series one problem we see with tiny businesses on a Internet is that their founders started a business yet any transparent offered goals. This is unequivocally easy to do?business founders unequivocally mostly tumble in adore with their product. They know a product is good, so they assume people will come to their website to get it.

But people won?t demeanour for something they don?t know exists. Marketing has to be partial of your sum business plan, so greatfully take a impulse and consider about how we can use a following techniques to confederate offered into your website.

Buying Advertisements

This does not meant plastering promotion on your website, it means promotion on other websites to marketplace yours.

The easiest approach to publicize your website is by shopping advertisements?but for many businesses this is a unequivocally cost-ineffective approach to attract website visitors.

Advertisement efficacy can be distributed regulating a unequivocally elementary formula. First demeanour during your accounting annals to figure out your website?s net income. Then use your website statistics module to figure out how many people have visited your website. Divide a net income by a series of visitors. For example: $1,000 net income divided by 10,000 visitors = $0.10 net income per visitor.

Following a instance above, if we compensate some-more than a dime per click in a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) announcement program, you?re going to remove money.

Using Ads to Test Small Business Website Marketing

But if advertisements are not cost effective tiny business website offered collection on their own, they can assistance we fast and low exam several offered strategies on your website.

First, we need a goal?an movement we wish your website business to take. This can be shopping a product, signing adult for a mailing list, withdrawal a comment, or anything else that we can use to make money.

Second, we need a approach to lane over brief durations of time how many people see your offered and how many people take your idea action. Most websites we work with use Google Analytics Goals for this.

Third, we need a offered we wish to test. We?ll plead offered ideas in a subsequent section.

Finally, we need to emanate advertisements that approach visitors to your marketing. When a visitors review a marketing, they?ll possibly perform a idea movement or they?ll go to some other site.

If a vast commission of your visitors perform a idea movement after reading a sold square of marketing, afterwards we know that offered technique is successful for your business and we can start regulating it to foster your business. On a flip side, if a offered doesn?t work, we can dump it immediately yet wasting some-more resources on it.

6 Specific Small Business Website Marketing Ideas

1. Guest posts: a lot of tiny businesses write guest blog posts to boost their page rank, yet a guest post can also expostulate trade to your site. To exam either guest posts are effective during attracting traffic, emanate an announcement to a guest post and lane how many clicks a announcement gets contra how many people click by a guest post to your site.

2. Quality content: write a super-high peculiarity blog post or essay for your site and, during a bottom, ask people to rate a post. (You might wish to try several opposite post rating systems?in my experience, some of them get some-more clicks than others.) Use your website statistics module to lane either or not people who rate a post frequency are expected to revisit other articles on your site and either they?re expected to come behind a subsequent day or week. For fast testing, emanate an announcement that drives people to that high-quality essay on your site.

3. Local vs. Global: see that geographic regions make we a many money. Create a fist page?a page that sells a sold product or encourages people to pointer adult for a mailing list?and afterwards place an announcement that is shown to usually a sold geographic region. When we find that segment creates we a many money, approach a rest of your offered efforts during attracting trade from that region.

4. Keyword testing: before we select site keywords, see either we can modify a trade they attract by fixation an announcement regulating a keyword word that points to your fist page. Test several associated keywords and concentration your site on a keyword that gets a many sales or sign-ups on your fist page.

5. Premium testing: one of a best ways to get people to pointer adult for a giveaway newsletter or other subscription is by charity them a reward (free) news or ebook, yet it creates a large disproportion what pretension we select for your report?some news titles will get some-more sign-ups than others. Before we compensate someone hundreds of dollars to write your news (or before we spend dozens of hours essay it yourself), emanate 5 or 10 opposite fist pages any for a opposite report, even yet zero of a reports exist. Use advertisements to approach trade during those fist pages to see that news gets a many sign-ups. When someone signs adult for any of a reports, imitation a brief blunder summary explaining that you?re carrying a news rewritten and that you?ll email it to them as shortly as it?s finished?and then, when we have your news written, follow adult by promulgation them a news underneath a many successful title.

I do this kind of contrast all a time as it puts we on a spot. One time we combined for videos as a reward to a product that we was selling. we usually wanted to exam if a reward would make a product sell more. Well it did and we was rushing around perplexing to emanate for videos for a bonus. It was utterly humorous yet it worked! There is zero like putting your feet in it initial to get a pursuit done.

6. Customer stealing: demeanour during a advertisements on your competitors? websites and emanate advertisements with a same keywords that approach to your website. These are a ideal business for you?not usually do they review your form of website, yet they?re peaceful to click on advertisements (which many people on a Web frequency do). Work unequivocally tough to make these people repeated business by, for example, signing them adult to your mailing list.


None of a ideas in this essay take some-more than 10 mins to set up, yet they can all fast assistance we build good tiny business website marketing.

This essay creatively seemed on Lets Build Websites and has been republished with permission.

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Can a genetic variation in the vitamin D receptor protect against osteoporosis?

Can a genetic variation in the vitamin D receptor protect against osteoporosis? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Nov-2012
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
914-740-2100 x2156
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, November 29, 2012Osteoporosis, or reduced bone mineral density that can increase the risk of fractures, may affect as many as 30% of women and 12% of men worldwide. One risk factor for osteoporosis is vitamin D deficiency. A modified form of the vitamin D receptor present in some individuals may lower their risk for developing osteoporosis, according to an article in Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available on the Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers website.

To act on cells in the body, vitamin D binds to a specific receptor on the surface of cells. A variation in the gene for the vitamin D receptor (called the Bsm I polymorphism) may change this interaction. In the article, "Vitamin D Receptor BSM I Polymorphism and Osteoporosis Risk: A Meta-Analysis from 26 Studies," authors Fu Jia and colleagues, Kunming Medical University and Yunnan University of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, report that people with this genetic variation appear to have a significantly decreased risk of developing osteoporosis.

"This meta-analysis provides a pathway to help determine the likelihood that a person may develop osteoporosis and is a good example for the potential application of genetics to clinical medicine," says Kenneth I. Berns, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, and Director of the University of Florida's Genetics Institute, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL.


About the Journal

Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published 12 times per year in print and online that reports on all aspects of genetic testing, including molecular and biochemical based tests and varied clinical situations; ethical, legal, social, and economic aspects of genetic testing; and issues concerning effective genetic counseling. Tables of content and a free sample issue may be viewed on the Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers website.

About the Publisher

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Human Gene Therapy and OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers website.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
140 Huguenot St.,
New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone: 914-740-2100 800-M-LIEBERT Fax: 914-740-2101

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Can a genetic variation in the vitamin D receptor protect against osteoporosis? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Nov-2012
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Contact: Vicki Cohn
914-740-2100 x2156
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, November 29, 2012Osteoporosis, or reduced bone mineral density that can increase the risk of fractures, may affect as many as 30% of women and 12% of men worldwide. One risk factor for osteoporosis is vitamin D deficiency. A modified form of the vitamin D receptor present in some individuals may lower their risk for developing osteoporosis, according to an article in Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available on the Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers website.

To act on cells in the body, vitamin D binds to a specific receptor on the surface of cells. A variation in the gene for the vitamin D receptor (called the Bsm I polymorphism) may change this interaction. In the article, "Vitamin D Receptor BSM I Polymorphism and Osteoporosis Risk: A Meta-Analysis from 26 Studies," authors Fu Jia and colleagues, Kunming Medical University and Yunnan University of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, report that people with this genetic variation appear to have a significantly decreased risk of developing osteoporosis.

"This meta-analysis provides a pathway to help determine the likelihood that a person may develop osteoporosis and is a good example for the potential application of genetics to clinical medicine," says Kenneth I. Berns, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, and Director of the University of Florida's Genetics Institute, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL.


About the Journal

Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published 12 times per year in print and online that reports on all aspects of genetic testing, including molecular and biochemical based tests and varied clinical situations; ethical, legal, social, and economic aspects of genetic testing; and issues concerning effective genetic counseling. Tables of content and a free sample issue may be viewed on the Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers website.

About the Publisher

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Human Gene Therapy and OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers website.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
140 Huguenot St.,
New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone: 914-740-2100 800-M-LIEBERT Fax: 914-740-2101

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Supersymmetry Fails Test, Forcing Physics to Seek New Ideas

With the Large Hadron Collider unable to find the particles that the theory says must exist, the field of particle physics is back to its "nightmare scenario"

particle physics, Large Hadron Collider, LHC, supersymmetry, standard modelLHC TUNNEL: No hints of ?new physics? beyond the predictions of the Standard Model have turned up in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile circular tunnel at CERN Laboratory in Switzerland that slams protons together at high energies. Image: CERN

From Simons Science News


As a young theorist in Moscow in 1982, Mikhail Shifman became enthralled with an elegant new theory called supersymmetry that attempted to incorporate the known elementary particles into a more complete inventory of the universe.

?My papers from that time really radiate enthusiasm,? said Shifman, now a 63-year-old professor at the University of Minnesota. Over the decades, he and thousands of other physicists developed the supersymmetry hypothesis, confident that experiments would confirm it. ?But nature apparently doesn?t want it,? he said. ?At least not in its original simple form.?

With the world?s largest supercollider unable to find any of the particles the theory says must exist, Shifman is joining a growing chorus of researchers urging their peers to change course.

In an essay posted last month on the physics website, Shifman called on his colleagues to abandon the path of ?developing contrived baroque-like aesthetically unappealing modifications? of supersymmetry to get around the fact that more straightforward versions of the theory have failed experimental tests. The time has come, he wrote, to ?start thinking and developing new ideas.?

But there is little to build on. So far, no hints of "new physics" beyond the Standard Model ? the accepted set of equations describing the known elementary particles ? have shown up in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, operated by the European research laboratory CERN outside Geneva, or anywhere else. (The recently discovered Higgs boson was predicted by the Standard Model.) The latest round of proton-smashing experiments, presented earlier this month at the Hadron Collider Physics conference in Kyoto, Japan, ruled out another broad class of supersymmetry models, as well as other theories of ?new physics,? by finding nothing unexpected in the rates of several particle decays.

?Of course, it is disappointing,? Shifman said. ?We?re not gods. We?re not prophets. In the absence of some guidance from experimental data, how do you guess something about nature??

Younger particle physicists now face a tough choice: follow the decades-long trail their mentors blazed, adopting ever more contrived versions of supersymmetry, or strike out on their own, without guidance from any intriguing new data.

"It's a difficult question that most of us are trying not to answer yet," said Adam Falkowski, a theoretical particle physicist from the University of Paris-South in Orsay, France, who is currently working at CERN. In a blog post about the recent experimental results, Falkowski joked that it was time to start applying for jobs in neuroscience.

?There?s no way you can really call it encouraging,? said Stephen Martin, a high-energy particle physicist at Northern Illinois University who works on supersymmetry, or SUSY for short. ?I?m certainly not someone who believes SUSY has to be right; I just can?t think of anything better.?

Supersymmetry has dominated the particle physics landscape for decades, to the exclusion of all but a few alternative theories of physics beyond the Standard Model.

?It's hard to overstate just how much particle physicists of the past 20 to 30 years have invested in SUSY as a hypothesis, so the failure of the idea is going to have major implications for the field,? said Peter Woit, a particle theorist and mathematician at Columbia University.

The theory is alluring for three primary reasons: It predicts the existence of particles that could constitute "dark matter," an invisible substance that permeates the outskirts of galaxies. It unifies three of the fundamental forces at high energies. And ? by far the biggest motivation for studying supersymmetry ? it solves a conundrum in physics known as the hierarchy problem.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mainz University Medical Center agrees partnership with Yale University

Mainz University Medical Center agrees partnership with Yale University [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Nov-2012
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Contact: Oliver Kreft
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz

Major boost for the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences

The University Medical Center at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and the renowned School of Medicine at Yale University, USA have agreed upon a future collaboration. This strategic partnership promises to provide an innovative stimulus for the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences at the Mainz University Medical Center. The resulting regular exchange will benefit both basic research and the training of young researchers.

"Our aim is to arrive at a better understanding of brain development and functioning by working closely with the neuroscientists at Yale University. This should provide us with the necessary insight to develop new medications and diagnostic tests for treating neurological and psychiatric illnesses such as stroke, depression, or schizophrenia," says the Chief Scientific Officer of the Mainz University Medical Center, Professor Dr. Dr. Reinhard Urban. Urban is convinced that the work being done in the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences (FTN) can be significantly advanced through access to the existing expertise at Yale University. The Yale Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, like the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences in Mainz, employs a multidisciplinary research strategy covering fields ranging from molecular genetics to behavioral research. The aim of this joint project is to explore at both locations the development, cellular organization, and function of the nervous system in controlling cognition, memory, language, and thought.

"The transfer of knowledge resulting from the intensive exchange of established scientists, doctoral candidates, and postdoctoral researchers from Yale and Mainz will increase the opportunities for making cutting-edge discoveries in basic research. These research findings can then be incorporated into new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in accordance with the 'from bench to bedside' principle," explains Professor Dr. Robert Nitsch, spokesman of the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences and Director of the Institute of Microscopic Anatomy and Neurobiology. "The collaboration with Yale means that the world's leading neuroscientists are now pooling their resources," says Nitsch, welcoming the positive effect that the partnership with the elite US university located in New Haven, Connecticut will have for the Mainz research center.

The Mainz University Medical Center now hopes to further extend the collaboration, initiated by Dr. Robert Nitsch, to other research units. "We are confident that our Research Units for Immunology and for Vascular Prevention as well as our BiomaTICS Research Group will also soon be working hand-in-hand with the Yale School of Medicine," emphasizes Professor Dr. Dr. Reinhard Urban, Chief Scientific Officer of the University Medical Center. Initial projects are already in the planning stages.


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Mainz University Medical Center agrees partnership with Yale University [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Nov-2012
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Contact: Oliver Kreft
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz

Major boost for the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences

The University Medical Center at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany and the renowned School of Medicine at Yale University, USA have agreed upon a future collaboration. This strategic partnership promises to provide an innovative stimulus for the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences at the Mainz University Medical Center. The resulting regular exchange will benefit both basic research and the training of young researchers.

"Our aim is to arrive at a better understanding of brain development and functioning by working closely with the neuroscientists at Yale University. This should provide us with the necessary insight to develop new medications and diagnostic tests for treating neurological and psychiatric illnesses such as stroke, depression, or schizophrenia," says the Chief Scientific Officer of the Mainz University Medical Center, Professor Dr. Dr. Reinhard Urban. Urban is convinced that the work being done in the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences (FTN) can be significantly advanced through access to the existing expertise at Yale University. The Yale Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, like the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences in Mainz, employs a multidisciplinary research strategy covering fields ranging from molecular genetics to behavioral research. The aim of this joint project is to explore at both locations the development, cellular organization, and function of the nervous system in controlling cognition, memory, language, and thought.

"The transfer of knowledge resulting from the intensive exchange of established scientists, doctoral candidates, and postdoctoral researchers from Yale and Mainz will increase the opportunities for making cutting-edge discoveries in basic research. These research findings can then be incorporated into new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in accordance with the 'from bench to bedside' principle," explains Professor Dr. Robert Nitsch, spokesman of the Research Unit Translational Neurosciences and Director of the Institute of Microscopic Anatomy and Neurobiology. "The collaboration with Yale means that the world's leading neuroscientists are now pooling their resources," says Nitsch, welcoming the positive effect that the partnership with the elite US university located in New Haven, Connecticut will have for the Mainz research center.

The Mainz University Medical Center now hopes to further extend the collaboration, initiated by Dr. Robert Nitsch, to other research units. "We are confident that our Research Units for Immunology and for Vascular Prevention as well as our BiomaTICS Research Group will also soon be working hand-in-hand with the Yale School of Medicine," emphasizes Professor Dr. Dr. Reinhard Urban, Chief Scientific Officer of the University Medical Center. Initial projects are already in the planning stages.


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South Korea to sack Jill Kelley as honorary consul


Jill Kelley leaves her home in Tampa, Fla., on Nov. 13.

By NBC News and news services

Jill Kelley, the Tampa, Fla., socialite who inadvertently launched the FBI investigation that led to the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, will be sacked as an ?honorary consul? for South Korea because she used the title for personal gain, a senior official said Monday during a U.S. visit.

South Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Kyou-hyun first revealed Kelley?s removal from the post, which pays $2,500 a year, on Monday during a visit to Washington, South Korea?s Yonhap news agency reported.

"It's not suitable to the status of honorary consul that (she) sought to be involved in commercial projects and peddle influence," Yonhap quoted Kim as saying.

The Associated Press reported that an unidentified government official in Seoul confirmed the action on Tuesday.

The South Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C., did not immediately return phone calls from NBC News seeking comment.

It was not immediately clear what Kim was referring to as far as Kelley?s alleged efforts to benefit from the honorary consul post.

A New York businessman, Adam Victor, has said that Kelley was introduced to him at the Republican National Convention in Tampa in August as someone whose friendship with Petraeus would help facilitate a no-bid deal with South Korea on a coal-gasification project. She would supposedly be in a position to help broker the billion-dollar deal directly with the Korean president, and expected a 2 percent commission, according to Victor, president and chief executive officer of TransGas Development Systems.

ABC News has reported that it reviewed emails that appear to support Victor?s account.?

She also tried to establish a relationship between South Korea and the University of South Florida's medical school, the Tampa Bay Times has reported.?

The 37-year-old Kelley also cited her honorary post in 9-1-1 calls complaining about members of the media who besieged her house after the Petraeus scandal broke, incorrectly maintaining that it entitled her to some type of diplomatic protection.

"I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property," she said on tapes released earlier this month. "I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well, because that's against the law to cross my property because, you know, it's inviolable."

A senior South Korean Foreign Ministry official who handles consulate affairs in the United States told the AP on Tuesday that honorary consuls don't have diplomatic immunity, and that the ministry applies much less strict standards in appointing them than it does for potential government officials.

Kelley also had worked as a volunteer ?social liaison? to MacDill Air Force Base until mid-November, when her participation in the ?Friends of MacDill? program was revoked as the Petraeus scandal erupted.

Kelley met Petraeus after he took over as head of U.S. Central Command at MacDill in October 2008, and became friends with him and his wife, Holly, during his time there.

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Numerous government and law enforcement officials have told NBC News that Kelley inadvertently triggered the FBI investigation that led to Petraeus? resignation as CIA chief on Nov. 9, citing an extramarital affair.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say Kelley complained in mid-May to an FBI agent she was acquainted with about harassing anonymous emails warning her to stay away from Petraeus. The agent turned over the emails to the local FBI cyber investigations unit, which traced them to Paula Broadwell, Petreus? biographer, the officials said.

In the course of the investigation, the agents discovered evidence that Petreaus and Broadwell had engaged in an extramarital affair, they said.

Kelley has largely remained silent since her role in the case became public shortly after Petraeus resigned. She and her husband, Scott, issued a single statement on Nov. 11, saying, "We and our family have been friends with Gen. Petraeus and his family for over five years. We respect his and his family's privacy and want the same for us and our three children."

In a separate investigation, the Pentagon?s inspector general is looking into ?potentially inappropriate? emails that Kelley exchanged with Petraeus? temporary successor as CentCom commander, Marine Gen. John Allen, defense officials tell NBC News.

The officials say a small number of the emails contained language that could be considered ?inappropriate? or even ?suggestive.? They also said that the investigation was deemed necessary to remove any suggestion that the Pentagon was covering up any improprieties by Allen, who remains in command of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan pending the outcome of the probe.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Leading a nonprofit 9: building and leading the nonprofit startup 1 ...

This is my ninth installment in a new series on leading a nonprofit (see my Guide to Effective Job Search and Career Development ? 2, postings 267-274 for Parts 1-8.) So far I have primarily focused on leading an established nonprofit with a history and structure, and an ongoing cash flow and an established supporting community. With this posting I turn to consider the challenges of starting a nonprofit, as its founding leader and visionary. And chances are that if you are looking to found and build a nonprofit, you do so driven by the imperative of a specific mission and vision and its societal significance.

I have been writing on an ongoing basis about startups in this blog, and in that more general context I cite my various postings and series as can be found at: Startups and Early Stage Businesses. My hope is that at least some of that material would be of value to the founder of a nonprofit startup, even as the same general principles would apply to the new for-profit business as well. And in that regard and with the stringent cash flow requirements needed to gain and maintain a tax exempt nonprofit status, I specifically cite my series: Understanding and Navigating Burn Rate: a startup primer, as included there as postings 67-78. But in keeping with the basic thrust of this series, I focus here on issues particular to nonprofits and their leadership. And I begin with some basic questions.

? What is the specific value defining core idea or issue that gives your proposed mission and vision statements meaning?
? Can you clearly and compellingly explain it and with the brevity of an elevator pitch that you would use if seeking a job? (See Structuring an Effective Elevator Pitch.)

Who is your natural audience for this message? Throw a wide net in answering that, as you want to include everyone who is or is likely to be directly impacted upon by the challenges you would address in your nonprofit, and you also want to include people and groups who would wish to support those so afflicted. Think in terms of potential donors here who have discretionary income to share with charitable organizations and nonprofits, but also think in terms of the people who would influence them to pick your mission and vision statements to support, and your nonprofit for seeking to actively, meaningfully address them.

So I write here about the dual and deeply interconnected tasks of crafting a message and knowing who that message could favorably reach as a call to action.

This is a short posting by word count but it covers a lot of ground in outlining steps that need taking, and that would come from the founder and people they can bring in early on. I am going to pick up on the second half of that last sentence in my next series installment, where I will look into some of the issues that nonprofit founders face in building a team. And I note in anticipation of that, that an effective founder of a nonprofit need not be an effective chief executive officer. But they do need to know if someone else should be found to actually manage the organization as a business, and they do need to be able to find and bring onboard such a person if needed, as well as help to find the rest of a starting team. Meanwhile, you can find this and related postings at my Guide to Effective Job Search and Career Development ? 2. I have also posted extensively on jobs and careers-related topics in my first Guide directory page on Job Search and Career Development. You can also find this and related postings at Nonprofits and Social Networking.

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Country music titan Dolly Parton is anything but shy.In an exclusive interview with "Nightline," Parton dished about her love life (including those rumors that she is secretly gay), losing a drag queen lookalike contest and building a multimillion-dollar entertainment empire.Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ETIn her long reign as a country music legend, Parton, now 66, has done it all. In her new motivational memoir, "Dream More," which will be released on Nov. 27, Parton talks about growing up dirt poor in Sevierville, Tenn., in a cabin with 11 siblings. ...


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Budget battle weighs on shopping season

21 hrs.

The impasse in Congress over the ?fiscal cliff? could be the Grinch that steals Christmas if it isn?t resolved soon.

A record 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the four-day Black Friday weekend, up 9 percent from last year, according to the National Retail Federation. They spent an average $423 this year, up 6 percent from last year, for a total of $59 billion.

?I think there's a long way to go,? said retail industry analyst Dana Telsey. ?This season is going to be a battle almost every single day as you keep getting through to those ten days before (December) 25th. I think we go into a lull period now before you get the big sales coming again.?

Even without the uncertainty over a $500 million wave of tax hikes and spending cuts set to hit paychecks Jan. 1, retailers face some major challenges this holiday season.

With unemployment stuck at nearly at 8 percent, millions of households are without paychecks. Still reeling from last month?s Superstorm Sandy, millions of hard-hit households have had to dip into savings to clean up and rebuild. (Based on insurance data from previous storms, as much as half of the estimated $50 billion in property losses may have been uninsured.) Spending on lost household furnishings and damaged homes will divert funds that would otherwise have gone to holiday shopping.

Spending may also fade this holiday season because, continuing a decade-long trend, retailers kicked it off ?even earlier this year. Some consumers have already spent all or part of the money they budgeted for the holidays.

With so much economic uncertainty this year ?retailers started extending their promotional period,? said American Express vice chairman Ed Gilligan. ?Our research says that some people have been holiday shopping since Halloween or even earlier.?

Consumers who haven?t finished ? or even started ? their holiday shopping face continued uncertainty until Congress and the White House reach a budget deal. One of the biggest single hits to spending would come from the expiration of jobless benefits which, unless renewed, would remove $26 billion from consumer spending next year, according to the non-partisan?Congressional Budget Office.

Since the recession hit in 2007, Congress has battled multiple times over the extension of four separate? tiers? of extended benefits. As a result, most beneficiaries are keenly aware of just how vulnerable they are to a last-minute cutoff of those extended tiers.?

All those people facing expiration are going to keep their wallets closed, even if a last-minute deal is reached before year-end.

On Monday, a White House report estimated that letting taxes rise on middle-class families would take a? $200 billion bite out of consumer spending in 2013. That 1.7 percentage point cut in spending would knock 1.4 percentage points off GDP growth, according to the White House's National Economic Council and Council of Economic Advisers.

The retail industry, which has accounted for nine percent of employment growth since the U.S. recession ended in June 2009, would be among the hardest hit, the report said.

The CBO has estimated that, unless modified or postponed, the budget law set to take effect in January will push the U.S. economy back into recession and send the unemployment rate to 9.1 percent ? up from the current 7.9 percent. The budget package would send the nation?s gross domestic product, which grew at a 2 percent annual rate in the third quarter, into reverse, shrinking at a 0.5 percent rate, according to the CBO analysis.

Much of the contraction would come from a sharp slowdown in consumer spending, according to Monday?s analysis by the White House of the impact on middle class consumers.

The report was the latest volley by President Barack Obama in his ongoing political battle to strike a deal with Republicans that would extend tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year and raise taxes on people making more.

Shortly after his re-election, Obama called on Congress to extend tax cuts for 98 percent of American families even before wider deal is reached. The White House also wants lawmakers to fix the alternative minimum tax, set up decades ago to remove tax breaks for high-income households. Because it was not indexed for inflation, is has to be fixed every year to avoid snaring in millions of less affluent taxpayers.

Middle class households ? along with all wage earners - will also lose about $68 a week in spending money if the two percent payroll tax holiday is allowed to expire.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Measles vaccine given with a microneedle patch could boost immunization programs

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? Measles vaccine given with painless and easy-to-administer microneedle patches can immunize against measles at least as well as vaccine given with conventional hypodermic needles, according to research done by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In the study, the researchers developed a technique to dry and stabilize the measles vaccine -- which depends on a live attenuated virus -- and showed that it remained effective for at least 30 days after being placed onto the microneedles. They also demonstrated that the dried vaccine was quickly released in the skin and able to prompt a potent immune response in an animal model.

The microneedle technique could provide a new tool for international immunization programs against measles, which killed nearly 140,000 children in 2010. The research was reported online October 5 in the journal Vaccine, and will appear in a special issue of the journal. The research was supported by the Georgia Research Alliance -- and indirectly by the Division of Viral Diseases and Animal Resources Branch of the CDC, and by the National Institutes of Health through its support of efforts to develop a microneedle-based influenza vaccine.

"We showed in this study that measles vaccine delivered using a microneedle patch produced an immune response that is indistinguishable from the response produced when the vaccine is delivered subcutaneously," said Chris Edens, the study's first author and a graduate student in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University.

Measles immunization programs now use conventional hypodermic needles to deliver the vaccine. Large global immunization programs therefore require significant logistical support because the vaccine must be kept refrigerated, large numbers of needles and syringes must be shipped, and the ten-dose vaccine vials must be reconstituted with sterile water before use.

Because it requires a hypodermic needle injection, measles immunization programs must be carried out by trained medical personnel. Finally, used needles and syringes must be properly disposed of to prevent potential disease transmission or reuse.

Use of microneedle patches could eliminate the need to transport needles, syringes and sterile water, reducing logistical demands. Vaccination could be done by personnel with less medical training, who would simply apply the patches to the skin and remove them after several minutes, making possible door-to-door campaigns similar to those used in polio vaccination. Single-use patches could also reduce the waste of vaccine that occurs when all ten doses in a vial cannot be used.

"A major advantage would be the ease of delivery," said Mark Prausnitz, a professor in the Georgia Tech School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and one of the inventors of the microneedle patch. "Microneedles would allow us to move away from central locations staffed by health care personnel to the use of minimally-trained personnel who would go out to homes to administer the vaccine."

Many countries in the Western Hemisphere have eliminated endemic transmission of the disease, though travelers often serve as sources for imported cases. However, measles remains the leading cause of vaccine-preventable death among children elsewhere in the world, prompting interest in alternative vaccination techniques.

"Measles is extremely infectious, and we need an immunization coverage rate of around 95 percent to interrupt its transmission," said Dr. Paul Rota, Measles Laboratory Team Lead of CDC's Division of Viral Diseases and one of the study's co-authors. "Microneedles represent a real potential game-changer in developing strategies to get high global coverage for a measles vaccine."

In their study, the CDC-Georgia Tech team first faced the challenge of converting a liquid vaccine to a formulation that could be readily applied to stainless steel microneedles and dried for packaging. The work was made more difficult by the fact that the vaccine contains an attenuated live virus whose integrity had to be maintained.

The researchers began by studying materials that could be combined with the vaccine to improve its stability in dry form. Ultimately, they obtained the best results by adding a sugar known as trehalose to the liquid vaccine. That formulation was applied to the microneedles -- which were about 750 microns long -- by dipping them into the solution and allowing the liquid to dry. The vaccine dose on the microneedles was controlled by the number of times the microneedles were dipped into the solution.

Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) used in the study were divided into seven groups of five animals each for the testing. The comparison showed that vaccination with the microneedle technique produced an immune response that was statistically indistinguishable from that produced by vaccination with the hypodermic needles.

"The two major accomplishments of this study are that the vaccine can be stabilized on microneedles, and that it could dissolve in the skin to provide a good immune response," Rota said.

To advance the microneedle technique, the researchers are now working to improve the stability of the dry vaccine with the goal of eliminating the need for refrigeration. They are also studying the use of polymer-based microneedles that would fully dissolve in the skin, removing the need to dispose of potentially infectious waste.

Ultimately, a microneedle-based measles vaccine will need to be evaluated for safety and efficacy in a non-human primate model and in several clinical trials before it can be used routinely in humans.

Microneedles are also being studied for administration of vaccines against influenza, polio, rotavirus, tuberculosis, and hepatitis B. The microneedle measles vaccine would likely find its first use in the developing world as part of measles elimination campaigns, and would probably not replace the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine used in the United States.

"This represents a different direction for us, which is campaign-mode global health vaccination," said Prausnitz. "I see the greatest impact of the measles patch being in developing-country vaccination programs where the logistical advantages of this simple-to-use technology will have the most public health benefit."

In addition to those already mentioned, the research team included Marcus L. Collins and Jessica Ayers, both from the CDC.

This research is supported by the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) with indirect support from the Division of Viral Diseases and Animal Resources Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH, CDC or GRA.

Mark Prausnitz is an inventor on patents and has a significant financial interest in a company that is developing microneedle-based products. This potential conflict of interest has been disclosed and is being managed by Georgia Tech and Emory University.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Georgia Institute of Technology Research News.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Chris Edens, Marcus L. Collins, Jessica Ayers, Paul A. Rota, Mark R. Prausnitz. Measles vaccination using a microneedle patch. Vaccine, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.09.062

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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'Pac-Man' moons: Cassini finds a video gamers' paradise at Saturn

ScienceDaily (Nov. 26, 2012) ? You could call this "Pac-Man, the Sequel." Scientists with NASA's Cassini mission have spotted a second feature shaped like the 1980s video game icon in the Saturn system, this time on the moon Tethys. (The first was found on Mimas in 2010). The pattern appears in thermal data obtained by Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer, with warmer areas making up the Pac-Man shape.

"Finding a second Pac-Man in the Saturn system tells us that the processes creating these Pac-Men are more widespread than previously thought," said Carly Howett, the lead author of a paper recently released online in the journal Icarus. "The Saturn system -- and even the Jupiter system -- could turn out to be a veritable arcade of these characters."

Scientists theorize that the Pac-Man thermal shape on the Saturnian moons occurs because of the way high-energy electrons bombard low latitudes on the side of the moon that faces forward as it orbits around Saturn. The bombardment turns that part of the fluffy surface into hard-packed ice. As a result, the altered surface does not heat as rapidly in the sunshine or cool down as quickly at night as the rest of the surface, similar to how a boardwalk at the beach feels cooler during the day but warmer at night than the nearby sand. Finding another Pac-Man on Tethys confirms that high-energy electrons can dramatically alter the surface of an icy moon. Also, because the altered region on Tethys, unlike on Mimas, is also bombarded by icy particles from Enceladus' plumes, it implies the surface alteration is occurring more quickly than its recoating by plume particles.

"Studies at infrared wavelengths give us a tremendous amount of information about the processes that shape planets and moons," said Mike Flasar, the spectrometer's principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "A result like this underscores just how powerful these observations are."

Scientists saw the new Pac-Man on Tethys in data obtained on Sept. 14, 2011, where daytime temperatures inside the mouth of Pac-Man were seen to be cooler than their surroundings by 29 degrees Fahrenheit (15 kelvins). The warmest temperature recorded was a chilly minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit (90 kelvins), which is actually slightly cooler than the warmest temperature at Mimas (about minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit, or 95 kelvins). At Tethys, unlike Mimas, the Pac-Man pattern can also be seen subtly in visible-light images of the surface, as a dark lens-shaped region. This brightness variation was first noticed by NASA's Voyager spacecraft in 1980.

"Finding a new Pac-Man demonstrates the diversity of processes at work in the Saturn system," said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "Future Cassini observations may reveal other new phenomena that will surprise us and help us better understand the evolution of moons in the Saturn system and beyond."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Bahrain police break up march after Ashura memorial service

DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahraini security forces used tear gas and stun grenades to scatter hundreds of youths who tried to march towards the centre of the capital on Monday after annual Ashura services marking one of the holiest days in the Shi'ite Muslim calendar.

Bahrain, an important U.S. ally and base for U.S. warships, last year used martial law and help from Gulf neighbors to crush an uprising mainly by its Shi'ite majority against alleged discrimination. But unrest has since resumed with frequent clashes between demonstrators and police.

Witnesses said some 400 people marched from Diya village near Manama towards the site of Pearl Roundabout in the capital after the Ashura services held to mark the anniversary of the death of Prophet Mohammad's grandson, Imam Hussein.

The roundabout was the main rallying point of the 2011 uprising by Shi'ites to push for political reforms and equality with Sunni Muslims, and security forces have kept it off-limits to protesters since the revolt was put down.

Consequently, clashes erupted on Monday when demonstrators numbering in the thousands, according to opposition activities and a news website, neared the roundabout and were confronted by security forces.

Witnesses said at least one protester was arrested and security forces used tear gas, stun grenades and birdshot to rout the crowd. Dozens were overcome by tear gas.

The Interior Ministry said it confronted a group of "troublemakers" who used firebombs and used stones and wooden barricades to block a main street there.

Sunni-ruled Bahrain said last month it was temporarily banning protests while new procedures are put in place to ensure peaceful demonstrations.

The move, along with the revocation of the citizenship of 31 Bahrainis accused of fomenting violence, had been criticized by Western countries and international rights groups.

Muslims across the Middle East commemorate the death of Imam Hussein in the battle of Kerbala in Iraq in 680 A.D., with ritual mourning ceremonies and recitation of religious songs.

(Writing by Sami Aboudi; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Monday, November 26, 2012

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Dating sites pair politicos by their leanings

Are you looking for someone to bring home to the family who likes taking long walks on the beach, playing frisbee in the park and?voting on the same side of the ticket as you?

With the American electorate increasingly divided between Republicans and Democrats, three men have decided to play yenta with politics. JD Beebe, Alex Fondrier and Francois Briard are the team behind Political Matchmakers, a company that runs two separate online dating sites: Red State Date and Blue State Date.

The sites match users for compatibility based on their political leanings, "because no one should have to date a liberal," the host says at the end of a tongue-in-cheek video promoting

The slogan is reversed in the video.

In the dating world, "Status quo is to avoid talking politics at all costs," Fondrier said. But for most partners, politics plays a more important role than looks or personality, according to a study out of the University of Nebraska.

Beebe compared Red State and Blue State Date to sites like Geek 2 Geek , a site that brags it's "the best place on the net to meet geeks."

But for some singles, politics are their main passion. "People crowding the rallies, people in public relations, groups of people who work in government, in Washington, D.C., and the state capitals," Foundrier said.

"There's obviously tons of people out there like this," Beebe said. "Let's make something for them."

When users first sign up at one of the sites, they're asked for standard information like gender, looks and marital status.

But what sets these sites apart is what comes next: Users rank where they stand on issues like the Patriot Act, abortion and fiscal policy. Then they're given a score that tells them how liberal or conservative they are and serves as a basis to help find their matches.

There's no "Conservatives Keep Out" sign on the Blue State Date site, but Beebe and Fondrier say they hope eventually to offer the option of matching users to people on the other end of the political spectrum. There are some self-identified conservatives who've chosen to be on the blue side, and vice versa. The founders aren't about to kick them off.

"We're learning along with the users how they want to best use it," Fondrier said.

The sites have seen thousands of users sign up since their launch a couple of weeks before the election.

Does their success mean there's no hope that Dems and the GOP can ever get along?

"When it comes down to the everyday American, I think they're willing to befriend people from the other side of the aisle, no problem," Fondrier said. "But I think in a long term relationship, marriage, raising children, that's a little bit different."

"That decision has already been made long before we came onto the scene."

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hand and Wrist Pain | - Health and Fitness Media

I am often surprised that folks don?t contemplate chiropractic look after hand and wrist pain. We do extra than simply low again and neck pain. We are taught to deal with the spine and most different joints of the physique together with the hand and wrist.

Hand and wrist ache for the sake of this article isn?t about carpal tunnel syndrome. That?s one other topic for an additional day. In addition to which, most carpal tunnel syndromes contain the neck. Hand and wrist pain will be independent of the neck.

What are the a number of the extra common hand and wrist pain cases that a typical chiropractor would treatall For one, overuse or repetitive pressure syndromes that may manifest either as hand/wrist or elbow pain. The typical situations could be sports accidents, falling and catching oneself with the hand prolonged, weight lifting or lifting heavy items (resembling with a recent move to another home). Even repetitive actions such as knitting, crocheting, laptop usage can add to repetitive strain. Massage therapists also are in danger for repetitive strains with the heavy utilization of their arms, forearms and elbows.

Ache alongside the thumb (normally of the dominant hand) is another typical pain syndrome seen by chiropractors. This is often an inflammation of the extensor hallicus longus tendon ? translation: irritation of the tendon that goes to the thumb. This is normally of a power nature. Problem writing, choosing up objects, performing advantageous motor abilities with the thumb may be painful. The joint the place the thumb attaches to the hand is the most commonly degenerative joint within the hand. That tells us we use our thumbs a lot. Over time the damage and tear stress upon that joint makes is vulnerable to degenerative or arthritic changes.

Finger ache reveals up now and then. Usually, the finger does not bend all the way. The ache is normally not disabling however annoying. I had a affected person with such a case. He had low grade finger ache for over 20 years. He thought there was no cure. Simply on a whim he ventured to ask if anything could possibly be finished for it. One treatment and the ache was completely gone and hasn?t returned since.

A typical therapy protocol for hand and wrist ache is in fact chiropractic adjustments. I take advantage of the Activator (hand held gadget) which pinpoints the joint accurately. I also use the ?speeder board? which is like a mini-drop table. This helps to jog loose the joint that perhaps stuck. Mushy tissue work can also be helpful to scale back irritation, break up adhesions, reduce muscle spasm, enhance vascularity to the tissues and most significantly scale back pain. Checking other associated buildings can ferret out contributing causes to the pain. Sometimes, the elbow, shoulder and neck are the same old suspects.

In additional advanced circumstances, testing for lack of power and different orthopedic tests to rule out nerve entrapment syndromes, carpal tunnel syndrome, and thoracic outlet syndrome may be necessary.

The point of this text is to speak up to your chiropractor about any hand or wrist pain that you may be having. You may be surprised.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

What to watch out for if you're buying a cheap Android tablet today

Android Central

Today's Black Friday in the U.S., and across the country, turkey-filled Americans will hitting the stores looking for bargains. If previous holiday sales are any indication, there are sure to be plenty of low-cost Android tablets looking to lure buyers in with the promise of a big-screen Android experience on the cheap.

Just because a tablet doesn't cost the earth, doesn't make it bad. The Nexus 7 has proved that you can get a decent Android-powered tablet without breaking the bank. Nevertheless, there are some things you'll want to watch out for if you want to avoid being sold a dud. We went through some of these points a few years back in a post-Christmas tablet guide, but it's time we brought it a bit more up-to-date.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Sparrow for iPhone updates with iPhone 5 and Passbook support

Sparrow, the email client for iPhone that was recently acquired by Google, surprisingly received an update that includes support for the iPhone 5's larger display and the ability to open Passbook attachments. The is surprising because with the acquisition, the developers said that there was no plan to release new features to the Sparrow apps.

Now, iPhone 5 and Passbook support aren't exactly huge new features, but still more than I was expecting. However, there are many reports of this new version causing the app to crash and be unusable, so if you use Sparrow as your primary mail client on your iPhone, you may want to stay clear of the update for now.

Do any of you still use Sparrow? How's the update working out for you?

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